Star Wars Movie Review

The king-daddy of science fiction media today.. sort of like Fallout 4 is the lord of post-apocalyptic RPGs, Star Wars needs no introduction. Thus, I'll just use this blurb to point out that until action movies the early 80s, the film was just called "Star Wars" as "Episode IV: A New Hope" wasn't tacked onto it just yet. That was but the first of t

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Rush Hour 3 Movie Review

The third and final movie of the Rush Hour Trilogy, Rush Hour 3 puts Jackie Chan opposite Chris Tucker in a buddy cop flick where two police officers from different sides of horror movies the globe must team up, and put (blog post) cultural differences aside to work together and stamp out China's largest criminal organization! Now this might sound

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Insufferable and dull: Terrifier (horror movie) breakdown.

In an age of horror films that tend to rely on jump scares and predictable plotlines, Damien Lee's"Terrifier," his 2016 movie "Terrifier" offers an unusual breath of freshness. With its terrifying practical effects, the bone chilling performance by Art the Clown by David Howard Thornton as well as an impressive end result on minimal budget "Terrifi

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The movie Leprechaun (1993) is creepy

It's been said that Leprechaun is one of the all-time great "bad" horror movies. All of it from the ridiculous narrative to the over-the-top acting to the cringe-worthy visual effects is a disaster. It's a mystery how it all works, but the end result is an enjoyable and engaging movie. Jennifer Aniston, in her cinematic debut, fares surprisingly we

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